Can You Drink Perth’s Tap Water?

Person filling glass with tap water to drink

Perth’s Water is Drinkable, But Here’s the Concern

Perth’s tap water is deemed safe to drink as it adheres to strict Australian water quality standards. The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines ensure the water supplied remains free from harmful pathogens and hazardous levels of chemicals.

However, despite being technically safe, several factors might make residents rethink drinking it straight from the tap.

Concerns include:

  • Chlorine Levels: Chlorine is used as a disinfectant, and while it keeps pathogens at bay, its presence can affect the taste and might cause health concerns in sensitive individuals over prolonged periods.
  • Water Hardness: Perth’s water is known for its hardness due to high levels of calcium and magnesium, leading to limescale buildup in appliances and potential irritation to skin and hair.
  • Salinity Levels: The proximity of Perth to the ocean means there’s a natural higher level of salinity in groundwater sources, influencing the taste and usability for those on low-sodium diets.

Characteristics of Perth Water

Perth’s tap water originates from a blend of sources: surface water, groundwater, desalinated seawater, and recycled water. This diversity ensures a consistent supply but also affects the water’s characteristics:

  • Source Variability: Water quality can differ depending on the source, with surface water potentially carrying more organic materials post-rainfall, leading to turbidity or coloration issues.
  • Chlorine Disinfection: Applied across all sources, chlorine ensures safety but is also responsible for the chemical taste and odor occasionally reported by residents.
  • Fluoride Content: Incorporated to improve dental health, fluoride is closely monitored to keep levels within safe limits.
two glasses of water kept side by side. one is clean and the other is dirty

What You Can Do About Improving Your Tap Water

Given the concerns and characteristics, residents might consider ways to enhance their tap water experience:

  • Use of Water Filters: Implementing a home water filtration system can mitigate issues of taste and hardness. High-quality carbon filters can reduce chlorine taste and organic contaminants.
  • Boiling Water: This simple practice can help in reducing chlorine levels.
  • Regular Maintenance of Appliances: Ensuring appliances like dishwashers and washing machines are cleared of mineral buildup can prolong their lives and efficiency.

Speak to Filtered Homes Today

If you’re seeking to improve the quality of your water, consider reaching out to a professional service like Filtered Homes. They offer comprehensive solutions to transform your tap water into something delightful. 

Their filtration systems are designed to remove unwanted minerals and chemicals, providing clear, fresh-tasting water directly from your taps. Filtered Homes helps households adapt to their specific needs by addressing potential contaminants and optimising water characteristics.

Contact us for a consultative approach to healthier, cleaner water in Perth.

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Brad Young
Brad Young

Brad, also known as "The Grout Guy," is a family man and entrepreneur passionate about enhancing home living. As the founder of Filtered Homes, his journey into water filtration began with a personal quest to improve water quality at home. Backed by a team with over 70 years of combined expertise, Brad ensures Perth homeowners enjoy affordable, top-tier water filtration solutions for healthier, happier homes.